August 5, 2022 |
Wanda B from Orem, UT United States
This is a truly amazing oil! I could go on and on about how we use this oil a lot at the shop and at home. Cuts to the bone on fingers and thumbs, puncture wounds, you name it. The most unusual thing was this summer while in Oregon, my little 4 year old granddaughter got attacked by a California Big Mouth Tic right on the back of her scalp. I have removed a few tics over the years but nothing like this monster, it had about a dozen teeth! It left a very big and painful hole in her scalp. It was so sore she wouldn't let anything close to her head. I promised I would not make it hurt and she let me put a drop of wound repair on the bite. Shazam! The pain was gone! That was the only thing she allowed on the wound and it was healed in just over a week! Thumbs up from a 4 year old!
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